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[ENG] [archive.org] (1997) Pokemon - EP38 Electric Soldier Porygon [Episodio censurado por causar convulsiones]

[ESP] [YT] (2011) The Strange Thing About the Johnsons - Ari Aster

[ESP] [YT] (2004) Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual - Ben Wright

[ENG] [IA] Nice Guys Finish First - Richard Dawkings

[ESP] [PEP] (2016) Psychoanalysis in El Barrio - Patricia Gherovici

[ENG] [YT] (1989) The Gifted One - Stephen Herek

[ENG] [YT] (2002) The Century of the Self - Adam Curtis

[ENG] [YT] (1996) Liebe Dein Symptom wie Dich selbst! / Love Thy Symptom as Thyself

[ESP] [YT] (2008) Conferencia de Jacques-Alain Miller en Buenos Aires (Teatro Colón)

[ESP] [YT] La historia de las matemáticas - Capítulo 4: Hacia el infinito y más allá - History Channel

[ENG] [YT] (1987) Long Live the New Flesh:The Films of David Cronenberg - Laurens C. Postma (Documental) pt. 1/7